Cool Stuff
deathgenerator.comA place to generate cool custom video game text boxes
glitter-graphics.comThis site has a lot of nice gifs/blinkies/buttons etc. for a website
A 24/7 vaporwave station
models-resource.comThis site has models for a bunch of video games and you can download them
spriters-resource.comSimilar to the above but for sprites
gifcities.orgA gif browser by the Internet Archive
jspaint.appAn online version of MSpaint circa Windows95/98
jellyneo.netA great place to get information for neopets
retrogames.ccA site that allows you to play many retro videogames in your browser
sonicretro.orgA wiki dedicated to Sonic media
effectgames.comA website with astounding pixel art landscapes
Oldgamesdownload.comOld video games from the 90's/00's
bluemaxima.orgDo you ever miss playing those old flash games? Flashpoint has thousands of flash games you can play for free.
more to come soon